Lockjaw - "Secret Grade: Eleventy"

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Zowayix, 30 May 2011.

  1. I was just playing some random rounds of Lockjaw, and in one game, the results screen showed "Secret Grade: Eleventy" instead of "Left [N] blocks behind".

    I had no idea what this meant, but after a little searching, I found that it occurs when you end a game of Lockjaw with exactly 110 or 111 blocks left in the playfield.

    I was able to replicate this by changing the settings to Exponential and Enter above ceiling, then clearing exactly 1 line, dropping exactly 29 pieces, and having the 30th piece top out by locking entirely above the ceiling.

    My question is: What is this supposed to mean? Is it an easter egg/reference to something? What's so special about leaving a specific number of blocks behind?
    Last edited: 30 May 2011
  2. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    The significance of leaving n blocks behind comes from the 40 line speedruns, which were common on TC before before the HD/TC split. People wanted to practice finishing with a low field so that they didn't place more tetrominoes than necessary, so they asked me to include a measure of the garbage left in the field. Also compare Atari Tetяis, which gave a "BONUS FOR LOW PUZZLE" and cleared the playfield each time the player completed the required number of lines.

    The Lord of the Rings opens with Bilbo Baggins's "eleventy-first" birthday., and "eleventy billion" is slang for an extremely large number.

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