"Blue Ice" Skin for LockJaw

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Rich Nagel, 30 May 2007.

  1. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    just tried it out and i like it a lot. great job Rich [​IMG]
  2. Bloodstar

    Bloodstar Unregistered

    Holy damn! This skin looks absolutely AMAZING. It even tops Ceramic Tiles as my favorite skin of yours.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    The skin looks very nice and clean. I like the modern vibe it gives off. It goes along quite nicely with my music collection. [​IMG]
  4. Glad y'all liked the skin -:) Amazing that those extremely pretty blocks started their life like this -> http://tang.cmoo.com/~snor/weeds/Plain_Block.gif <G>!

    I like the modern look of it as well -:) Hehe, the hardest part of this skin was coming up with a snappy name for it <LOL>! "Modern Vibe" would have been PERFECT, but I'm not that good at coming up with snappy names <G>.

    I like anything created by Elwood. Check the text file (located in the "Skins\Blue Ice Skin" directory for links to his web page and such. Another of his tunes that I like is called "Dead Lock", but all of his stuff is top notch -:)

    BTW, if ya liked this skin, check out my "Blue Plastic Skin" ( http://www.tetrisconcept.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=508 ) as well... pretty modern and clean looking as well, plus it has some nice music in it to0 (same tune, "Defloration", that I used in my "Blue Steel" and "StretchTris" skins).
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Unregistered

    Re: "Blue Ice" Skin for LockJaw

    for somereason it wont let me download this. HELP!!! PLEASE!!
  6. Re: "Blue Ice" Skin for LockJaw

    This stuff is all pretty old. Looks like you can't download it because Rich Nagel's old site doesn't exist any more.

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