Custom Tetris Soundtracks

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Rosti LFC, 5 Jul 2006.

  1. Seeing as the music and sound on Tetris is largely unnecessary (unlike MK and Metroid where it can be quite helpful) and repetitive, does anyone else turn the sound off on the DS and listen to music of a different kind? If so, what music, and do you think it improves your game?

    Personally, when I can, I listen to music, generally fast/punk/rock music, generally Green Day, Muse, Oasis, Feeder and The Matrix Soundtrack. I find it helps to get me in the 'zone' where I become faster and more relaxed and therefore play better and make less misdrops. The only problem I sometime have is that I start playing in time with the music (placing Tetrises at certain points in the song etc.) which either slows me down or makes me rush and mess up.
  2. sihumchai

    sihumchai Unregistered

    Well, for TDS, it gets annoying after awhile.. Especially in Multiplayer mode and level 16-20.. And no, I don't turn it off and play other musics.. I like what comes with the games(or maybe not).

    I'm pretty much happy with what TGM offers. Cool upbeat soundtracks that keeps you in the mood. PLUS, the sounds effects per tetrimino, and also when you do IRS.
  3. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Once I get music support into Lockjaw, you will see how music can be helpful. It's easier to adjust to 90 PPM auto-sonic-lock if you have 90 BPM music playing in the background.

    This idea of making moves at certain parts of the song is an interesting idea for a fan game. Imagine Tetris Tetris Revolution: only lines scored by a piece locked on the beat make garbage, and lines on a particularly important beat are worth double garbage.

    The Super Mario remix used in standard vs. CPU and Wi-Fi 2-player works for me. The beginning of the song helps pace me: if I get three tetrises in the first 16 measures, I'm playing at OK speed. And sometimes, certain points in the song signal me to switch from making tetrises to clearing garbage and back again.
  4. Nick15

    Nick15 Unregistered

    Despite its repetitveness, leaving the Tetris DS music puts me in THE ZONE. Like, strangely, I concentrate better.
  5. tr3

    tr3 Unregistered

    often i listen to the real versions of the Kalinka, or the Korobeiniki [​IMG]
    but after some hours of play it becomes boring ^^'

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