So I mostly play Puyo Puyo Tetris and occasionally TGM series. I'm overall a pretty decent Tetris player (Can play relatively fast, 40 Line PB is 1:21) but I'm having trouble improving. I mostly play battle mode and aware that T-spin clears are VERY important I guess what I'm asking is what are the main T-spin openers, set-ups, and combos to learn and when I should use them. Many thanks and I appreciate your help!
the guidline mandated piece generator is very simple. it deals out one of each piece. As in the first seven pieces are all different. the second seven pieces are also all different. and the third. and the fourth.
I've been meaning to reply to this for ages. Sorry for the hold up! I think the best place to look for advice on openers and general t-spins are some of the guides and primers players have written. You could go to the wikis and search "opening" and get a smattering of articles describing individual setups of varying utility (though I'll flag out at least TKI-3 as a notable one), but you'll probably get more generally applicable info by reading some of the guides/primers. There is a Strategy index on Hard Drop that links to various articles -- and seem useful in this case. To re-iterate what Zaphod said about Tetris: the current Guideline randomizer is a 7 Bag (i.e., like drawing pieces out of a bag). It shuffles a "bag" containing the 7 unique tetrominoes and deals them out without replacement, then refills/reshuffles the "bag" whenever it is exhausted. The maximum distance between two of a given piece is 12 (opposite ends of consecutive bags), and the maximum repetition of a given piece is two-in-a-row (one at the end of a bag, and another at the beginning of the next bag). I'm not sure what is known about the more recent Puyo games, but Puyo Nexus has a wiki article describing Puyo Puyo 2's randomizer. One of the key takeaways from Tsuu is that the shuffle can be biased with more or less of one color at certain parts of the sequence (i.e., more of a color earlier -> less later, less of a color earlier -> more toward the end of the sequence). I suspect that these sort of issues may have been addressed in more recent games. In either case, you should be able to play expecting a uniform distribution.
well can't post new threads now for some reason. but i've been messing with this game, and the big bang mode. Turns out that the action speeds up if you use proper finesse for each big bang pattern. That is the secret to clearing 7 or more boards tetris side. The first pattern is always 6 s or z, with two left, two right, and two middle. rotate the proper direction (cw for moving right, cw for moving left, and either cw or ccw for middle depending on where it is) hard drop when in position, and charge das for the next one if needed. that piece will warp extra fast. Second pattern is either s, z, l, or j with two on left, two on right and one near middle. but they are all five in different spots. rotate the right direction (ccw for l, cw for j, other wise same as above) these are easier if you get s or z. sometimes a single tap is right, sometimes a double tap is right, and sometimes das to wall and tap back is right. and sometimes it straight das to wall. sometimes it's left to right or right to left, sometimes it alternates sides, with the middle one last. Third is all Ts. this is always a left to right or right to left pattern with different rotations needed. but there are many slight different variations! you can easily get tripped up. use proper finesse for each spot and you will clear fast. Sometimes don't tap sometimes single tap, sometimes double tap, and sometimes das and tapback. All methods are used to place these Ts. But better to lose a lil time than miss. fourth is the I pattern. to place the two in the middle, just rotate and hard drop. to place the ones at the sides, DAS, release, rotate, and drop. be careful! you can easily get tripped up if you rotate too soon. don't even try to skillstop the das, your second piece will warp too fast. This also has many variations and you must learn them all. Fifth You will get an alternating sz or lj pattern, and there are a number of variations possible here. but nothing you haven't seen before. use the same finesse options you've learned above. sixth is a stz or zts pattern. one on one side, and the other on the other side. das and tapback finesse works well here too. except sometimes instead you get one with L or J and S or Z. seven is a pattern that is t and then either l or j that alternates sides. rotate your ts the right way, and use das and tapback finesse if needed to place the T. Sometimes it's all l or all j, and sometimes it alternates. There are eight possible patterns, but all you need to do is pick the right rotation direction for each T, and it's easy. This one is one of the easiest actually. Now we get the silly SRS spin doubles and triples for 8. This is where your finesse matters the most. for s and z spin triples, soft drop down, rotate, press up. immediately press down again, and the next piece will soft drop faster. this is how you know you are doing it right. If any piece but the first drops slowly you messed up, and might as well intentionally miss to start over. As you win more, the soft drops will go faster. For l and j doubles in the center, rotate during the soft drop, or just after it while still holding down, then rotate the other way, then press up, then hold down immediately! again if you do it right you will breeze through it. For l j and t spin triples, soft drop down, das to the side, rotate, press up, HOLD DOWN immediately after pressing up. again if you do it right, the piece will drop faster, and slide over sideways faster. Do this right, and you will get to board nine. this is much more annoying as you need to place pieces in different spots! your ability to finesse is seriously tested here. Do it "right" and the pieces will accelerate and soft drop fast. You are not gonna beat this at lower game speeds ever. you will need to rack up a number of wins in endurance mode, or play it vs at a higher level to beat even one board after 8. I've never beaten board nine, but beating board 8 every time is good enough to get 100 wins in a row on endurance mode.