Congratulation you are GrandMaster

Thread in 'Discussion' started by K, 16 Jun 2006.

  1. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    So where can I buy a licensed copy of the ROM in the United States?
  2. Guest

    Guest Unregistered

    I made it to S9/999 in 14:00:98 with a gamepad. Switching to keyboard really helped me reach Gm.
  3. i personally don't think i can ever master a keyboard, but it has been my speculation that some of the elite players are so because of having a dedicated finger for each function versus two thumbs for a gamepad. So theoretically the keyboard is much faster, given that a person can operate it. Is this basically the reason for keyboard dominance?

    In Cultris for example, my fastest average for a round is ~85 BPM (all time average around 66) on a gamepad, but the top players hit ~120 and some max out at ~160, which i am guessing is through use of a keyboard.
  4. Zangi-Moves actually give some advantage to joystick users over keyboard users. Unless you start using macros... [​IMG]

    I think I know where you're coming from. You're really into homebrew/emulation, and probably feel the need to look down on us filthy pirates who give such things a bad reputation. To an extent I sympathize... Some people always have the latest games and never pay for them, which is pretty disgusting. Despite this you're probably also too cheap to import the real arcade game, which would cost perhaps $50 these days.

    However, the situation we have is this:

    TGM is an 8 year old game. It's hard to find it in Japanese arcades these days, and impossible elsewhere. It was never sold in your market, and you're not putting anyone out of business by emulating it.

    Furthermore, Arika contacted the MAME team sometime last year to request the removal of TGM2 after it was added. They did not, however, request the removal of TGM1. This implies that they are totally cool with people playing the original game even in Japan. It is commercially dead. It's been so completely superceded by its sequels that there is not even a widely available clone of its gameplay.

    Can you play TGM1 legally? No. Ethically? Hell yes. You can keep looking at things in black and white if you like, but in my opinion that's pretty naive.


    (No offense intended... And if you still want to try TGM legally I'll give you some values to plug into the unofficial hacked Heboris trainer that will duplicate TGM1's gameplay.

    Also sorry for derailing your glory thread cgwg.)
  5. K


    Macro = dickhead loser stuff [​IMG]
  6. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    At one time, even one next piece was considered "dickhead loser stuff".

    Later, rotations in both directions were considered "dickhead loser stuff".

    Nowadays, some critics consider the ability to make T-spin triples "dickhead loser stuff".

    Tetris progresses, and macros are the future. Imagine being able to place tetrominoes using a keyboard, with each home row key assigned to a different horizontal position.
  7. K


  8. Don't forget that ROMs are also words for the actual ROM chip(s) in arcade cabinets. It could be he has an arcade cabinet and wants to purchase the ROMs/boards for use in a homemade cabinet.

    Don't be so quick to jump down people's throats.
  9. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Back on topic:

    So where can I buy the JAMMA PCB for any TGM game? I go on eBay and look for tetris pcb, but I see only Atari Tetris and Tetris Plus, and tetris grand master returns only region-coded Xbox 360 games, and I am too cheap to import a whole Xbox 360.
  10. absolutely-- the reason i want a pc tetris online to come out. i can't stand playing tetris on gamepads.

    narrow is your thought. mr. "i only like playing one type of tetris and pay no mind to any other." ;b
  11. K


    yeah i like TGM, what's your problem about that ?

    sorry i really don't have time to play every shit on market

    if narrow is my thought about this subject, ohh please throw light on me with your quintessence point of view about previous radical sentence... (on the good topic)

  12. The best place to look would be Yahoo! Japan Auctions. If you're genuinely interested I can give you more details.
  13. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    Heck, that's what I would want to do.

    I'll probably need some newer hardware than the cabinet that held my Pole Position, though. :p

  14. eh?

    sorry i guess?

  15. Was Pole Postion JAMMA? Then it could work. You'd just need to buy some joysticks.
  16. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    Dunno. Guess I gotta go down to the youth center where I have it at and go rip it apart to check.
  17. Even though I can't remember if it's JAMMA (it probably is), I randomly know that Pole Position PCBs are prone to breaking down. Because of this, working PCBs fetch a decent price, while the cabinets are nearly worthless. So if you want to MAME it/Tetris it, you've got a pretty sweet combo. Ebay the PCB and convert the cabinet. [​IMG]

    Though Pole Position is pretty cool too... Don't know if I'd sell it.
  18. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    I just made a (private) version of Lockjaw with IRS and 30 frame ARE (and otherwise SRS style rules), and I beat 40 lines with about 60 tetrominoes per minute.

    That's what I observed in my own play on this version.
  19. That's a start. To get GM you'd have to do it for more than 7 times that many lines. And under varing gravity conditions, which makes it require a wider skillset to pull it off. In general, I'd say I have 3 different speed attack modes of play... 20g, 2-5g, and slower.

    The lockdown behaviour is critical to duplicate as well, otherwise you're not getting the same challenge. And SRS plays very differently than TGM rotation under 20g in more ways than you may realise.

    One final and very important thing that you ommitted to mention was the line clear time. It's really long in TGM1, meaning that clearing singles will ruin an otherwise fast performance.
  20. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    "Really long" like Game Boy Tetris long?

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