i hate poor pussy sore ass losers

Thread in 'Discussion' started by cosmonaut, 18 Jun 2006.

  1. cosmonaut

    cosmonaut Unregistered

    so i'm playing some 4-player, nothing new. i notice the garbage is piling up pretty quickly from no. 1 player and i think "hmmm, interesting" and i lose. The second game.... it happens again.

    I usually don't target because i think it's a waste of speed. but i start piling ALL of my shit on mr. 1 and, go figure, he gets gently vaulted through the top. and IMMEDIATELY disconnects.

    if you can't take what you dish SUCK A FUCKIN' DICK. seriously. i'm sick of it. just take your lumps.

    of course... i'm a sore winner.
  2. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    Tell us how you really feel.
  3. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    I think it's funny how people think 'tudes can be displayed through Tetris.
  4. Josh

    Josh Unregistered

    This same kinda thing happened to me today too. I think it was some guy named YOKO or something like that. Anyway, when I kept getting trash repeatedly sent to my screen, I studies everyone's movements. I noticed that he spent all his time attacking me, and when I had lost, he spent all his time attacking 1 other person(can't remember his name, but he had a slightly lower rating than me.)He did this on the next match too, making me in 4th place again. On the 3rd match, I think the other guy read my mind, because we teamed up and both targeted YOKO at the same time. He topped out in about 30 seconds flat, then went on to disconnect. Oh man, revenge feels so good. [​IMG]
  5. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    I think that was a chick.

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