I need to know how A + B rotation work

Thread in 'Discussion' started by sihumchai, 22 May 2006.

  1. sihumchai

    sihumchai Unregistered


    My first post here, and have been lurking this site/tetrisconcept for quite some time, and it's a great place [​IMG]

    My question: How does A + B rotation work? As in, what does it do? Does it work only for ARS/DTET only?

    Here's an example or what I'm talking about; Left/Right rotation doesn't do anything and keeps it stuck, but A + B will spin it in to the right position.

  2. double rotation. [​IMG]
  3. Guest

    Guest Unregistered

    only DTET.(A+B = 180 degree rotation)

    if you want 180 degree rotation in TGM Series as fast as possible,

    IRS A -> not IRS C Combinations.

    IRS A+C dosent work.
  4. sihumchai

    sihumchai Unregistered

    Gee, thanks alot. So A + B = A/B x 2 then [​IMG]

    Thanks! I thought it was some special move or something, but I recall seeing it over at the Tetris Wiki under Zangi moves.
  5. B.G.

    B.G. Unregistered


    might be able to use 180 degree rotation in Tetris 64.
  6. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    So I guess this means I really need a third button for hold in Project LJ, as I had been using A+B for hold.

    If one were to standardize double rotation, would this be an acceptable rule set?
    • Hold counterclockwise and press clockwise -> two counterclockwise rotations
    • Hold clockwise and press counterclockwise -> two clockwise rotations
  7. I use all 3 rotation buttons when I play TGM.


    No double rotation, but the 2 counter clockwise buttons can be used to simlar effect.

    Compressing buttons sounds good in theory, but then advanced techniques become impossible because rapid button presses will accidentally activate secondary features. Though, perhaps this is only an issue for TGM style gameplay, because the pieces are placed in a very small number of frames compared to the 0g speed attack style.

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