I'm not sure if we should dilute the special annual event of the Carnival of Death, but an idea I briefly passed around stream chats a couple months ago was to have another tgm2 event for master mode on 8/45 (I.e. 9/14). That would be near your birthday too!
Maybe. Might change over to that if it seems dead over the next few days - and if I decide on that (prolly Wednesday), this thread'll get revamped right over.
Yeah not sure how I feel about another death event. I feel the carnival is a sacred event and worth waiting a full year for. Master/TGM+ would be better perhaps? Also me and a few others talked about a shirase thing last year on 2/28 for the 10th anniversary of TGM3 but it never caught on sadly.
Yeah just make sure people are on board with your competition/event before you kick it off I'm still new here but I'd agree The Carnival is sacred
TGM+ would be a great shout - overlooked game and I'd say a lot of good players (myself included) have still yet to actually 999 it. It's deceptively hard as balls.