Wiki issues

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Pineapple, 4 May 2007.

  1. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

  2. ok, in order to upgrade the wiki, i need to insert this in to my main htaccess file:
    AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php
    but you see, i already have some stuff in my htaccess file:
    # close the php security hole... 
    # not actually needed but probably a good idea anyway
    php_flag register_globals off
    # first, enable the processing - Unless your ISP has it enabled
    # already. That might cause weird errors.
    RewriteEngine on
    # uncomment this rule if you want Apache to redirect from to
    # RewriteRule ^/$ /wiki/Main_Page [R] 
    # do the rewrite
    RewriteRule ^tetriswiki/?(.*)$ /wiki/index.php?title=$1 [L,QSA]
    i originally did that to for some reason or another to redirect or something like that. i can't add the new code to the htaccess file without screwing everything up. and that's where i'm stuck.
  3. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    As of right this second, "Save page" performs a "Show preview".
  4. K


  5. You blurred all your shortcuts lol.
  6. Looks like there's another flood of spam in the Wiki -:( Is there any option for the Wiki software that would only allow registered Wiki users to edit/modify the Wiki? It would still be easy for someone to sign up and then spam (as there is no email-addy verification), but it might help reduce the spam a bit.
  8. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Yes, the option exists in the software, and no, caffeine won't turn it on.
  9. I'm really puzzled as to why restricting forum posts/wiki edits to 5 links or something isn't a standard feature of everything. 99% of (current) spam would be rejected.
  10. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Because most of these mods require recent MediaWiki, and recent MediaWiki requires recent PHP. Even with those hosting companies that do use recent PHP, upgrading from PHP 4.x to recent PHP or upgrading from old MediaWiki to current MediaWiki tends to introduce unexpected regressions.
  11. okay, i'm going to try again today. was gonna train for vegas today (i may post about that next week), but it looks like this spam's only getting worse. expect major wiki overhaul shortly after lunch.
  12. Recent spam here -> ... gory:Arika

    Ya know, requiring a simple no-email registration to edit the Wiki would put a damper on 95% of this crapola. Like the current Wiki registration process is, extremely simple for someone to type in a username and password - I mean, it's sooo simple, especially with no email verification.

    Or... y'all could do as previously before.... revert/revert/revert/revert/revert/revert/etc...
  13. let's wait and see how bad the spam is now. if it's still bad, i'll look into some spam prevention, but i'm not disabling anonymous contributions. may seem kind of stupid, but you know how many times i've been to a specialized wiki and saw something little that was wrong or wanted to add a little something interesting-- then i click edit and find out i have to register? i'm like "you know what? fuck it." then i move on. i think we need those little edits. they're like a hook for the big fish who may wind up contributing a lot.
  14. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    So what if the view of an article to anonymous users shows the last revision saved by a logged in user? That way, the logged in users would be able to "vet" contributions made by anons. Can MediaWiki be made to do this?
  15. not that i know of.
  16. I'm with caffeine on this one. For one, there seem to be a considerable amount of information coming from the people of 2ch, which (strangely from western eyes, admittedly) has a culture of hive-mind anonymity by default.

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